EE Testing Center

Study. Pass the exam. Claim your cert.

CLEP Exam Proctoring


CLEP-proctored exams are by appointment only.

Please register to take an exam through the sponsor, then schedule an appointment with the test center at least 3-5 days prior to date you wish to take the exam.

To schedule an appointment, please call or use this form (if you call, we'll direct you to the link to the form.)


Proctoring: $50.00 (nonrefundable) per test
  • Payable by cash, credit or debit card
  • Due at the time of the scheduled exam
  • Covers 2 hours of testing time

Candidates must register for their test directly with CLEP, then schedule an appointment with EE Testing Center to take the exam at our facility.

  *Discounts are available when scheduling multiple CLEP exams. Contact us for more information.


Test takers must bring information required by the sponsor to the test center on the day of testing, including CLEP Exam Registration Ticket and valid picture I.D.

WIRED headsets are acceptable.

Headsets with Bluetooth capability are NOT allowed.

Test times for CLEP exams are available during regular open hours with an appointment.

© EE Testing, J.Middleton